How to Prepare for a Home Renovation

It’s no secret that home renovations can be a bit of a headache. As with any project, there are always factors that you may not have accounted for that can throw a wrench into your carefully thought out plans, so to alleviate your stress here are a few ways to prepare yourself and your home for a renovation: A recent Divine Design Build bathroom renovation in the construction phase.

To Stay or to Go: The biggest question you’ll answer after deciding to go ahead with a renovation is if you will be staying in your home during the construction or moving out.

  • Moving out might be the best option if you have children at home, or if you work from home. Remember, for big renovation projects, most of your home will be compromised, so if you have small children it might be easier to stay with a friend or consider short-term rental housing for a few months. In addition, if you work from home, consider whether or not you’ll be able to work with all of the added noise and distractions.
  • If you do decide that moving out is the best option, don’t forget to factor it into your renovation cost, as it will add a significant expense to your budget.
  • On the other hand, if you’re planning on redoing a smaller room, like your bathroom or kitchen, it’s likely that staying is a good option for you.

The Noise Factor

Often times, we underestimate the power of silence. If you’ve been around a busy construction scene, you know that loud noises come with the territory, so be prepared for things to get loud. The best way to deal with the added noise factor is with simple fixes, like purchasing earplugs or a white noise machine to drown out any added sounds.

The bathroom in progress...

Dust Don’t forget to factor your furniture into the equation as well. Be sure to either move your furniture into a storage space, or cover it with plastic to prevent it from getting ruined. For bigger projects, you might want to consider Zipwalls to contain your home renovations to a specific space and prevent dust from spreading to other rooms in your home. Even with added precautions, dust can travel through air vents and end up all over your home, so make sure to consult your contractor beforehand to find ways to prevent this.

Privacy One thing people forget to account for is the lack of privacy they’ll have during the renovations. Everyone from contractors, to construction workers, to architects will be traipsing in and out of your home at all hours of the day, and while this is all part of the process; it can definitely hinder your privacy, so be sure to schedule in a little R&R, like a weekend trip or a planned day away from it all.

master bathroom fireplace

Appliances If it's a kitchen renovation and you stay in the home, consider moving key appliances like the refrigerator, coffee maker, and toaster oven, into another room. After all, it’s unrealistic to eat out for every meal, so you’ll want to designate an area that you can do quick meal prep without having to worry about getting in the way of construction.

The Unexpected Whether it’s a snow delay, a sick contractor, or an unexpected bump in the construction plans, preparing yourself for the unexpected is the only way to get through a big project. It’s always helpful to set a higher budget than you think you need to account for any costs that you didn’t specifically plan for.

The Mess Factor Whether you’re a week into your renovations or a month in, be prepared for things to look nothing like you pictured. Mess comes hand in hand with renovations, and your once pristine living room will look anything but during the project. Don’t worry though, all of the chaos will be quickly forgotten when you’re done and gazing happily at your newly renovated space.